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Dragon Fusion Page 7
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Page 7
Listening to Lazeen didn’t make El feel any better, “Yeah, someone breached the walls, but by whom?” “Come, we need to inform your parents; they aren’t going to be happy with this news!”
He knew, thank the stars El didn’t have to tell Lazeen their secret. He walked next to her, the whole way back to where he had left her parents.
As they walked into the room, El saw the bemused look on her parent's faces. She was grateful Lazeen took charge, in telling her story.
“What do you mean there was an intruder within the training area?” The queen faced turned as white as a ghost.
“It will be alright. We don’t know what the intruder is after, and El is safe, that is the main concern.”
“How can you say that?”
“We have always known there could be a danger for her.”
“Yes, but not within our walls.” It’s supposed to be her safe haven where she can be safe. Vigdis?”
El listened to her parents as they discussed the whole situation.
“Yes, your majesty.” Vigdis walked in front of the queen, bowing her respect.
“There has been an intruder he was in the training area. El was the one to discover him. I want every inch of the encampment searched. Oh, he is unseen.”
“Pardon me, your majesty? Unseen?”
“Yes, he wasn’t visible. He is using some kind of magic or a spell to cloak himself.”
“I see.”
“Don’t fret. I will be joining the team. I can place a spell around the encampment if anyone crosses using magic it will sound an alarm.”
El watched as Vigdis, Lazeen, and several other guards walked out of the room. She had taken her seat next to her mother. She watched as the guards lined the walls extra guards had arrived after Vigdis left. As time went by, the chair was getting hard. She shifted side to side.
SEVERAL HOURS LATER, Vigdis walked in with a couple of guards; Lazeen came in not far behind. She was sitting straight in her chair.
“You’re majesty. We have covered every inch of the grounds. Lazeen put a magical spell at each entrance of the encampment.”
“Good to hear,” The queen set back in her chair. “Please join us.”
“Thank you, your majesty.” She walked over sat down.
“I want you to stay with El at all times other than at night when she is locked securely in her room.”
“What about your safety, my Queen?”
“Your second-in-command can be by my side. You need to be with El so you can continue to train her.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She looked over at El thinking to herself she was going to ensure she’s fully trained like none other has been taught before.
“What you’re going to lock me up like some type of criminal? I don’t think so.” El stood to leave.
Vigdis grabbed her arm, stopping her.
El, “You're not a criminal, you’re just very important; it’s for your safety.”
“Yeah, right, whatever.” She pulled her arm away from Vigdis and walked off.
“El, wait.”
“She’ll be alright. She just needs time.”
“I’ll talk to her.” Lazeen followed behind El.
El went out of the front door. She needed some fresh air. She walked through the Ancient Forest, taking in the smell of Oak, Birch with a hint of cedar as she walked over to the edge of the river by the waterfall, she sat down on the grass leaning against a tree. It was as if she was free from the worries that were going on inside.
It wasn’t long before the old-man sat down next to her. El saw him, “What do you want? Can’t a girl be left alone?”
“Some yes, you no. I know you don’t like having a babysitter. I don’t blame you. I didn’t like it either. When I was a young lad, I had a mentor who trained me while I was in training, he had to stay with me until I learned the way to protect myself. All magical users have a period of vulnerability where they can sway to use their magic for evil.”
“I am not going to use my magic for evil.”
“I believe you; however, you may be killed for not doing so, which is just as bad.”
“Why is my life so important?”
“One, you have to understand where Ivoka is coming from; she doesn’t want to lock you up at night, nor have you feel uncomfortable like you’re a prisoner was how you put it. She just wants to keep you safe that is why she sacrificed fifteen years of not being with you.”
“She gave me away.”
“Yes, she did an ultimate sacrifice to protect you until you could grow into your powers to learn to use them to defend yourself as well as your people.”
“My people don’t even know who I am since I am a secret.”
“Yes, for now, you are a secret, but it won’t always be this way. There is far more for you than you know.”
“What does that mean?”
“All in time. First, you must finish your training.”
“Why what is it that has all of you so scared?”
“Honestly, it is the unknown of who is behind the rumors of evil spreading throughout the neighboring realm. Things have happened over several years, with no evidence remaining as to who has done the crime. It is unnerving when trying to protect people.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“You will see when the time is right, my child. All answers will come to you. In the meantime, you have to do whatever you can to protect yourself. Now come we need to get you back.”
“Fine, but can we stay for a bit longer? It is so relaxing.”
“Only a little while longer.”
As they entered onto the balcony, El heard Ivoka, “Vigdis, you will continue to train El in the arena, the sooner, the better.”
El wasn’t sure about being in the training area. She knew from all the movies she has seen with Lesa; there is always a counterspell.
Lazeen had taken his seat he looked at El amazed at the magic she possessed at such a young age. He also noticed she had great respect for its power. He hoped this child could harness the magic she possessed within her. He knew anytime one uses magic; it comes at a price.
This kid had a spunky fire, Vigdis liked. She reminded her of herself when she was her age. The fact this kid could detect danger earned her Vigdis's respect. Vigdis was going to make sure she’s trained to the max. It didn’t sit well with Vigdis, the fact an intruder was on the grounds she had sworn to protect.
El looked over at Vigdis, who looked deep in thought.
When Vigdis looked at El, their eyes met, Vigdis leaned over whispered in her ear, “Is this as boring to you as it is to me?”
A laugh escaped El’s mouth; grateful, no one was paying attention to her. A smile crossed her face as she felt a bit more relaxed, even if it only lasted a moment.
Vigdis smiled in response. It was good to see her smile. She felt a sense of accomplishment. El is young to be under so much pressure, not to mention all she’s already gone through.
Security had already been on alert; how did they get in? It didn’t sit well with El. Was no place safe? She is going to be one of those people whose lives be in endangered for the rest of her life. She wasn’t happy when she found out Ivoka had given her away, but now she understood why. It allowed her to live the first fifteen years of her life worried free. She would have to remember to thank Ivoka for what she did for her. To think kids in her old world, believe they have it so hard. They have no idea what hard is. She could tell Vigdis had a lot on her mind as well, they both ate in silence as everyone else talked at the table.
El returned to her room, escorted by Vigdis. Upon a full search of her room to ensure it was secure, Vigdis double-checked the door to ensure it’s locked from the hallway.
Standing by the door, she walked over to the table, grabbed a book from the stack before she sat on the windowsill. She opened the book to read when she realized it was a diary.
Dear Diary,
My name is Kaylessa. I am the Princess of
/> the High Elves. I live in a beautiful place
located in the middle of several mountains in a
circle, which provides excellent protection. My
home is enormous; we have plenty of room for all of
us to live, plus enough room to plant a bountiful
amount of food to feed everyone. The war this
past winter had been devastating for us with too
many deaths; it almost wiped us out. Father has
been talking of asking another Elven clan to
join with us to ensure our survival.
Father had corresponded with the King
of the Wood Elves. They too had suffered a lot
from the war. They lost their food storage as
well as many of their homes. He had made a
proposal—a marriage between the son of the
King of the Wood Elves to the daughter of the
King of the High Elves to bind the two clans
together, which would ensure the survival of
both Elven clans.
I can’t believe the King of the Wood
Elves accepted. I’m not ready for marriage,
I’m only eighteen and now betrothed for the
King of the Wood Elves accepted the father’s
proposal. The wedding scheduled for
the summer solstice. Mother didn’t take the
news well; she’s concerned I’m too young.
Mother understood why this arrangement
had been made, it was in the best interest of
the survival of both clans through the
upcoming winter and thereafter. The worst
part I have never met my betrothed nor do
I know anything about the man whom to
become my husband, which terrifies me I
can only pray he is a good man. The only
the thing I know for sure is his name
Mother is now doing her best to
prepare me for my wedding day which
it sounded like it could be fun but the
wedding night scared the dickens out of me.
All the planning her mother had to do for
this big day was crazy I never knew there
was so much to do to plan a wedding.
Today is the day. I am a nervous
wreck; my life is fixing to change forever.
My dress is stunning. Mother had outdone
herself. It was long slimming with
embroidered purple berries on the sleeves,
as well as the neckline. My headpiece was
an intertwined wooden headdress to
represent the Wood Elves. I was holding on
to my father’s arm as I walked down to meet
my new husband. I was relieved seeing he was
a good looking man with golden hair; a small
portion of which was pulled back on both
sides of his face fastened behind his head.
His skin was a pale white, lighter than mine.
He was built solid, as well as tall. His smile
made me relax. I knew everything would
be alright. We each took their turn
speaking our vows then the person
conducting the ceremony noted a few
things about how we were making history
combining both clans to create a new clan.
The banquet that followed the ceremony
was a night I wouldn’t forget.
It has been crazy getting everyone from
the Wood Elves encampment assigned shelter
by rank plus their position, which took roughly
a week. It took us another month to get
everyone’s belonging moved into their new
homes. The next thing we had to tackle was
assigning everyone a job assignment. We put
some people to harvest crops, while others were
assigned to plant new crops. Father wanted to
make sure we had plenty of provisions stored for
the upcoming winter. He even sent out warriors
from both clans to hunt for game so we’d have
enough meat. Father has everyone working
around the clock. He fears we’ll have an early
winter. Connak’s father agrees with him, and it
has been busy with work around here.
Both fathers decided they would rule
together until we are old enough to be crowned.
Luckily enough, we had peace for many years.
Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. War came
it was horrible Connak’s father was killed in the
battle against the Dark Elves, my father was
mortally wounded. I don’t think he is going to
make it. Mother is by his side, and the healer has
been keeping a watchful eye over him. The healer
told me before I left, it was up to father now, which
meant it was a waiting game. I went to check on
my father, and my mother was crying. I knew it
wasn’t good. He died before the mid-day meal. It
has been a sad few days as we prepared for their
burial of both King’s. The burial ceremony will
be tomorrow. My heart hurts. I couldn’t believe
we had to burry both of our fathers on the same
day, everyone was sad. It was so bad, Connak's
mother became ill; the healer stated she was
dying from a broken heart. We now had to
prepare for another burial. The gloomy mood
was dark throughout the land.
A week time, I became ill, every time I
smelled food, my stomach turns. At first, I thought
it was all the stress, but weeks later, I still had
symptoms I called for a healer, it was just the
news we needed a baby. The Royal Court
buzzed with joy as we prepared for the new
addition to the family. Even Connak had pulled
out of his foul mood. He was helping her mother
pick out decorations for the nursery. I
have to say I’ve enjoyed the pampering.
It felt great; well, until I was informed, I gotten
restricted to my bed. Oh man, those were the
worst pains ever. The midwife told me the baby
was coming. Yeah, ok, I was excited, but it
didn’t help with the pains I was feeling. All the
midwives were thrilled; the head lady told me
to push. I was glad to be getting this kid out of
me. Anything to make the pain go away.
Relieved when I heard the cry of the bundle of
joy being placed in Connak’s arms. I saw the
look on his face. Ivoka had him wrapped
around his finger already.
Ivoka grew like a weed. Connak
brought her gifts. She was the most precious
thing to him. There was no way he could deny
it since it showed on his face every time
they were together. The more Connak
spent time with Ivoka, the more I felt he
doesn’t love me. I couldn’t blame him. We
didn’t have much of a connection other
than saving our kingdoms and our daughter.
Connak had gone hunting with his men. He
loved to go out with them; it gave him time to keep
up the rapport as well as morale he needed to
keep his men loyal to their King. It gave him a
chance to see what news was throughout the
Kingdom. The Captain of the Guard stated
everything had been going well. They had caught a
lot of game on the hunt. They were on their way
to the area where they usually made camp.
Nightfall was upon
them when things went
terribly wrong an arrow came out of nowhere,
striking Connak in his chest. He died shortly
afterward from his wound. They searched every
bit of the area, but there was no trace of anyone
or any leads. It would be impossible to find out
who killed the King, my husband, and the father
of my child. It was hard as I prepared him
for burial, mother did her best to keep mine and
Ivoka spirits up. The day of the burial ceremony
weighed on me. It’s now only me, Ivoka and my
mother left to rule the Kingdom of Elves, with a
killer of the King still out there?
A couple of months later, the Keepers had
sent a letter of warning to all the Kingdoms. It
simply said:
To all in the land.
There is a deadly sickness
Spreading far and wide.
Take heed to stay inside.
Protect yourself as best you can,
No cure within these lands.
I am worried how was I going to keep Ivoka
and Mother plus everyone else in the kingdom safe
from the sickness. It is the worse time for it is
hunting season, we needed game for the winter,
the only thing I could think of was to keep the
hunting parties small in numbers, plus I want to
keep the more loyal guards I trust within these
walls. I know times like these were going to be
difficult, I will need all the help I can get from
the guards to keep order.
The keepers had also sent another letter,
addressed to me:
Your daughter will bear a child
She’ll be the protector of the land.
There’s a prophecy still at hand,
Long been foretold. One will come
Who possesses great powers?
She’ll not be alone. A bond must
be forged. They’re of great
importance. Neither are as they
seem. If they are to bond as one
Great joy will come, however,
If they fail to bond as one,
Great sorrow will come.
Evil darkness will spread
Throughout the land.
I knew I had to do everything in my power
Ivoka had to survive at all costs. I debated how
to keep her safe. I decided the best way was to
lock her in her room until this sickness passed.